Yes, it's true. The monthly Grammar Grouch newsletters are no more. As of today, Grammar Grouch will only appear here. Does anyone care why?
Okay, here's why. Sure, I love writing Grammar Grouch, mostly because it gives me a small outlet for my general rage over the abuse of English I encounter daily. And I love hearing from readers with their comments and questions. I continue to be available to readers who have questions about English.
However, Grammar Grouch simply wasn't doing anything else for me. I started it several years ago, when I had a writing and editing service, Words Are We. Words Are We is now my publishing company--if a dormant one for the moment.
So, while I enjoy Grouching, the newsletter provided no business for me and no way of really growing anything productive.
That's why I have brought Grammar Grouch here, to cyberspace! All my past Grouchings--and probably future ones--will be compiled into a book. Which will be published by Words Are We! Don't you love the Circle of Life?
Best to you and Happy Grammaring!
Susan K. Morrow
(c) 2007, Susan K. Morrow